Maya’s Caring Touch


“The only reason why I can look down to another human being is when I am getting ready to give a helping hand to lift that person up”

In life, we are all equal… we all have been born in different countries, different nationalities, different eyes’ color, hair and even skin, but the bottom line …  we are all the same, we should be there for each other, we should leave in every heart something to smile about, something to have hope and really feel that someone else care.

MAYA’S CARING TOUCH, healing tender hearts, only mission is to make sure you can become the best version of yourself with the help provided as an individual or as a whole family. If I help one person, I know that my life was worth living for.

I started this journey very young, when I became the president of the High School Counselling for two years, at the age of 16 years old… helping the ones in need. There was an earthquake and we collected clothes and food to give out to the homeless due to the natural disaster that collapsed many houses, buildings and everything that would be nearby. I started with baby steps which later on would serve as a milestone for greater things.

As an adult, I gathered money from different private sources from friends and family members so that I could buy food to cook and donate to San Diego’s Hospice, in Quito, Ecuador. I had also gathered food items as well as clothes to give out to the people in need from the streets.

I have cooked and gone out to the streets to feed the homeless from Ecuador as well as from Venezuela and other nationalities. It is not important where you are from, but the fact that you are alive in need of help, that’s what really matters.

Furthermore, I have created a company called “Conebra” (CONFECCION Y SIEMBRA: CLOTHING AND SEWING) This company was dedicated to make aprons for teachers and students as well as personalized bed covers and bed sheets.

From every apron I used to sell, I would get a dollar (always was more than that) so I would buy food to give to the homeless. The project also had many branches. One of them was to create jobs for battered women from Ecuador or other nationalities so they would be able to support single handed their children and become independent and have better opportunities in life.

One of my dreams was to help the children not to repeat the vicious cycle they were living in by helping their moms as much as I could.

Something that I also created with Conebra was to hand out  seeds I would give to the teachers, it had double meaning; on one side it was what the teachers do with the children, how they teach with so much passion and love, (I loved teaching) and there are many teachers like that, they plant seeds of knowledge and love  in the students’ hearts; on the other hand, the teachers would take those seeds to plant real plants with their children teaching them to take care of our home: THE EARTH.

Here in Canada, I started working in an employment agency where I helped many people settle down with food, jobs, and information as much as I could.  On Christmas of 2022, I cooked for people from different nationalities without families so they would feel appreciated and loved, we shared that Christmas at my place.

My efforts don’t end up with food, clothing or information only, I share my time and knowledge by giving English classes to newcomers at the library. I would arrange for many students to come to Brampton’s library and I gave all the material to learn and study English as a second language free of charge, I paid for all the material I used and gave to the newcomers.

I do understand the importance of being there for someone in need. I do understand the disadvantages we face in every day’s life. I know how challenging, scaring and frustrating many obstacles can be in our lives, this is the main reason why MAYA’S CARING TOUCH is healing tender hearts