Maya’s Caring Touch


We work with Charities from South America who have deepest interest in well-being of children, Women and other sectors which are less fortunate that others through “Maya’s Caring Touch”

  • Women and men empowerment
  • Family’s sustainability
  • Child support
  • Poverty alleviation
  • Affordable medicine
  • Legal services for women and girls abused.
  • Women and children education – job placement
  • Critical health support for women and girls due to varies reasons (HIV, physicals disability, malnourishment, mental health, etc.
  • Support to drug cartel affected women and children.
  • We. Also help charities create a framework of systems, transparency, accounting, auditing, and other pre-requisites that are a must to establish growth and reach of any charity to be successful with their cause.



Provide lodging, food, logistical, administrative assistance and comprehensive support to minor patients and caregivers with limited economic resources from any province of Ecuador who travel to Quito for medical reasons.


To be a reference foundation in pediatric shelter

and health support at national and international levels

Registration number: MIES-CGAJ-DOS-2024-0010

Place: Quito -Pichincha ECUADOR



The Aliñambi Foundation is a non-profit entity, which works for the protection and restitution of the rights of girls, boys and adolescents, exposed to the violation of their rights in different situations such as: mistreatment, abuse, sexual – labor – economic exploitation, orphans, homeless, deprived of their environment, sons and daughters from people deprived of freedom due to criminal records, also substance users, narcotics or/and domestic violence.


We are a team of professionals made up of educators, social workers, psychologists, technicians and specialists in child protection, committed and involved in the defense of the rights of girls, boys and adolescents in these violent situations.

The Aliñambi Foundation encourages training for the professionalization of adolescents, which allows them to achieve livelihoods to achieve their autonomy and independence in their adult life.

Registration number: RUC 1791309820001

Place: Quito -Pichincha ECUADOR



Guarantee a safe space in a pleasant environment for older adults, disabled people, young people and vulnerable children, improving their self-esteem and promoting good healthy living, in order to have a dignified life.


The Good Friends for Life Foundation’s purposes are to propose and execute social projects and activities related to improving their standard of living, in favor of (girls, boys, adolescents, young people), Vulnerable adults, older adults, and people with disabilities. in situations of risk and/or social marginalization, voluntarily bringing together partners, professionals, and students for the proposed common good.

Registration number: 0062

Place: Quito -Pichincha ECUADOR



To support children and young people with disabilities, their families and the community in general in the processes of social, artistic, educational, sports and productive inclusion with a human team that provides their service with warmth, quality and respect, established within the framework of human rights to contribute to the improvement of conditions and quality of life by promoting a more humane society.


To become a Socio-Cultural and Therapeutic Center of reference for inclusive Art in the Ecuadorian Amazon Region and in the country by implementing practical and comprehensive workshops that include children and young people with disabilities and society in general, achieving their full inclusion and social participation as citizens.

Registration number: 001-2018, MIES

Place: Puyo – Pastaza​ ECUADOR



To work alongside boys, girls, adolescents and people with different disabilities at risk, homeless, and accompaniment to their family and the community in a preventive and comprehensive manner, creating

proposals in education, sports, cultural human training, professional technical, health and nutrition.


To be a leading organization in support of children, youth, older adults and people with disabilities, with inclusion projects, to be part of the development change which due to extreme poverty they have not been able to achieve.

Registration number: N0. 0018

Place: Quito -Pichincha ECUADOR



The Padre Pío Home of Hope Foundation is a Catholic Institution created to fully welcome and address the needs and requirements of priority care groups through specialized care and attention, achieving general and comprehensive well-being of people, and seeking the inclusion of their members in society, under the Franciscan guideline: “all the good we do, we must do it for the love of God”


Respond to the needs of priority care groups, with the creation of care units that meet the requirements and guidelines of the government regulatory entity, transforming the reality in which they operate with the best infrastructure and specialized human talent for their development, and promoting the participation of various sectors of our society to achieve it

Registration number: MIES-DCDMQ-DDQC-2021-0084-OF​ Código SIMIES 60746

Place: Quito -Pichincha ECUADOR